Please don't ask me why I update my blog so often these days.
I just feel like typing today.
I got a feeling - i'm so dead.
The mid term exam is around the corner, but I did THINGS...such as reading novels in the speed of GOD, thinking about some stupid things and people, playing with my phone , get the lastest update about GE13 on facebook and most of all what i'm doing now - updating blog post...
I'm actually afraid of how my results will turn out after the May&June holiday.
I really wanted to study for my exam, but I just don't feel like doing it...
I feel sleepy or boring everytime I reach for my books.
My mind went empty everytime I tried to study.
So, what should I do?
Refer to what I had written on top of this post, I found the fact that I am actually following my own desire while doing anything.
I guess due to this habit, i'll just never get a chance to success, since our former principle, Hwong Sheng once said that 'Success is a habit'.
Tomorrow, maybe I'll start prepare for my exam...there ain't much time left for me...this time, I hope I could make myself 'suck up' the knowledge from the books no matter I'm willing to do so or not.
I really wanted to thanks Susan and Elaine...
After a quick talk with them, my brain seems to work again...
I still don't know how to tell him how I feel, and he too never pm me eventhough he's online.
I guess maybe he get what I mean.
Anyway, thanks million for listening me talking this type of bullshit...
I don't know why you choose me.
I guess it's because I am only 15, and you thought I'm stupid.
We don't know each other very well actually, and so I don't really believe that you do feel the way as you claimed...
I don't like to play with feelings, it's not because I'm not good at playing it, it's because I know that one can hurt very bad through feelings.
Maybe you are smart enough to be the winner but I'm not confident to be a good player.
Go find someone else that is qualified to be the player you are looking for.
I have to claim that I'm not as idiot as you thought I am.
I am good at understanding one's heart.
But sometimes I do made mistakes, if what I said about you in this post was wrong, I APOLOGIZE.
Finally, I composted a post with English again...
I missed English~
I hope I could improve my English MORE MORE!!!
Most of all, best luck for all my friends, exam....fighto!!!
Remember wish me luck arh!!!